Easter 2024
Christmas 2023
August 2023
Click on the image for the monthly Bible Study
July 2023
Click on the image for the monthly Bible Study
June 2023
May 2023
Easter 2023
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ at St. Luke Lutheran Church,
Holy Week is upon us, and with it comes hope, strength, victory and the assurance of a new day.
On Palm Sunday we celebrated that Jesus comes lowly and humbly into our lives to bring unto us God’s promised salvation.
On April 6th, Maundy Thursday at the 6:30 PM Service we will ask God for healing, remember the night our Lord instituted the Lord’s Supper for our forgiveness, and prepare for Jesus’ betrayal, arrest and crucifixion as the Altar is stripped and Psalm 122 is read, which captures Jesus’ lament and hope from Calvary’s cross.
On April 7th, Good Friday please attend a worship service at a local congregation to hear the passion story, and sing hymns that bring us “there when they crucified our Lord”.
On April 9th, Easter morning at 9:30 AM we will join all of creation in celebration that on this spring morn, the stone has been rolled aside, the tomb is empty, death and sin have been swallowed up in victory, and the angels announce why do you seek the living amongst the dead, Jesus is risen, just as he said. St. Luke will provide a Choir on Easter and a small gift for those in attendance. Invite an unchurched neighbor, co-worker, classmate and/or relative. Tell someone who has quit attending St. Luke that God is doing great things here and that they are missed and that we would love to have them again worship, learn and serve with us.
The Easter Season
Easter is not just a one day celebration. It is rather a liturgical season of the Church that is celebrated, this year, from April 9th (Easter Day) through May 27th (the Eve of Pentecost). During the Easter season the blessing of Jesus’ death and resurrection helps us grow in faith, wisdom and grace. During this 50 day Season we are reminded that we are precious children God, whom God deemed to be so important that He sent Jesus to dwell among us and give His life to save and redeem us. During the Easter season we are reminded that in Christ’s wounds and sacrifice our sins are forgiven, and so we can cast off shame, guilt and fear. This liturgical season of new life reminds us that we are members of the church, the communion of saints, which helps and encourages us, prays for us, and supports us during times of tribulation. During the Easter season we are given the assurance that as God transformed the suffering of Calvary unto the victory of Easter, so God will always be with us as our refuge and strength, until we receive the eternal blessing that are ours in the risen Savior. A blessed Easter season! “As Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.” Romans 6:4
Why is the Easter Resurrection Important?
The resurrection is a Testament to God’s Power.
The resurrection shows us that God’s Word is true and trustworthy.
The resurrection reveals that we worship not dead idols, but a living God.
The resurrection reveals that Jesus lives unto eternity.
The resurrection is proof that death and sin are swallowed up in victory.
The resurrection is the assurance of our own resurrection.
“For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.” I Thessalonian 4:14
The resurrection is a trustworthy testimony that Christ will come again.
The resurrection bears witness to God’s promise that God will never leave nor forsake us.
The resurrection helps us believe that our living Lord dwells among us:
The resurrection fills us with a living hope.
Easter Humor: Good Medicine for the Heart and Soul
Without the risen Savior in our hearts life is like:
Proverbs 17:22 “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”
Please remember you can watch Sunday and Holy Week Services at stlukeshebfalls.org. Many of you have said how much you appreciate these recorded services, and that they have been helpful and meaningful.
Please call the church office at (920) 467-6149 if you, or someone you know are in need of Pastoral Care.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support. God is doing great things at St. Luke. Worship visitors are welcomed in the name of Christ. Children are growing in faith, wisdom and grace. Members generously help the less fortunate. We have a strong partnership with our Tanzania congregational partner. The Quilters continue to give their time and talents unto the glory of God. The Gospel is preached. The Sacraments bring the assurance of forgiveness. Edifying music is shared. The congregation supports financially and through volunteer services many outside organizations. Members are providing care, prayers and support for one another. Jesus is being glorified. The Call Process is moving forward. Thank you for your part in making this all possible.
Have a blessed Easter in the Risen Savior!
Interim Pastor Dave Patterson
February 2023 (newsletter)
Celebrate Love This February and Throughout the Year
During the month of February, we celebrate God’s greatest gift - “LOVE”. I encourage you to claim the blessings of God’s love throughout the new year. To help us stay focused on God’s love and His desire that we love one another, St. Luke’s Mission Statement states: “Because we are all children of God and members of His family, we are called daily to spread God’s word and reflect His love throughout our congregation, community, country and universe.”
As a child of God, commit your heart anew to God:
How? Recall your baptism; attend worship; receive communion; read your bible; cherish your family; remember your caring ancestors; treasure your community; listen to old hymns and modern music; watch a play; attend an art museum; go for a walk; take time for prayer; watch the snow fly and the sun rise and set; cuddle up with a pet.
Challenge yourself to grow into a faithful member of God’s family:
How? Be transformed from a sinner to a saint; from a depressed person to a joyful child of God; from a stingy miser to a person of abundance whose cup overflows; from a worry wart to someone who has a living hope; from an anxious skeptic to a disciple who has a peace that the world cannot give; from a doubter to a believer; from a loner to a beloved member of God’s community.
Renew God’s call to reflect God’s love:
How? Be caring and friendly toward others as God first loved you; pray for others; help the less fortunate; support worthy causes; share with acquaintance who is going through a difficult time how God helped you; share a favorite Bible story or verse; invite an unchurched neighbor, family member or coworker to a church event; remind people that Jesus paid the price in full for our salvation; share the assurance that you have of eternal salvation in Christ Jesus.
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
I Corinthians 13:13
January 17, 2023
Dear members of St. Luke Lutheran Church,
I am so pleased that Pastor Kristin Nielsen, the Assistant to Bishop Paul Erickson of the Greater Milwaukee Synod, will be at St. Luke this Sunday, January 22nd to preach during worship, and hold a meeting afterwards to listen to questions, concerns, frustrations and hopes in regards to the Call Process. She will also explain how the Bishop and the Synod staff are working in partnership with St. Luke’s Call Committee and Rostered Ministerial Candidates of the ELCA who have expressed a desire for a new Call, and have submitted their Profiles and Mobility Forms.
In my previous two Interim Positions, the call process did take a little over two years. While this seems like a long time, the Interim can be an important time for the congregational members to claim a more active part in the ministry, reflect upon its history, ask what are the current pastoral needs of the congregation and the surrounding community, heal wounds and resolve hurt feelings that may have occurred amongst the members, and prayerfully discern what gifts, talents and skills the new Pastor will need to help the congregation fulfill its mission and ministry.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, allows for LGBTQ+ marriage and ordination of LGBTQ+ clergy. The Synod will want to know if you want them to recommend for interview those whom they feel will be the best candidates to serve St. Luke, or if you want to limit candidates based on their sexual orientation. St. Luke gave members the opportunity to learn about LGBTQ+ ministry when Pastor Bill Beyer came and held an open forum on LGBTQ+ ministry. Books in St. Luke’s library further address this topic. My home church, Unity in Brookfield, has had two LGBTQ+ Pastors who have served the congregation faithfully, and have been a blessing. One of my Interim congregations was open to calling an LGBTQ+ Pastor, but did not receive an LGBTQ+ candidate for consideration. The other congregation where I served as their Interim, told the Synod, that they felt at this time they wanted to limit their call process to non LGBTQ+ candidates. The Synod respected their wish, and limited their candidates to non-LGBTQ+ Pastors.
In my Covenant to serve as your Interim, it states specifically that I am not to influence the Call Process, but to support the Call Committee. My prayers are with St. Luke, and I encourage you to pray. Stay true to your conscious. Trust the Holy Spirit. Give thanks for Bishop Paul and the Synod’s partnership. Foster constructive dialogue, to help members express and understand different viewpoints. In Christ, work for unity. Support your elected Call Committee and Church Council members. Be ready to offer your support as partners in the Gospel, when your new Pastor is called and begins to serve. Be patient. You are getting closer to the completion of this process during which you have worked so hard. Be realistic. The Call Process may seem like a long and difficult time of transition. Sadly, it takes a lot longer and is more painful, if a congregation realizes it called a Pastor who is not a good match for their ministry, and the congregation seeks to have her/him removed.
I am blessed to be serving as your Interim Pastor. I am appreciative of the leadership of the Church Council and Call Committee. The staff here is gifted and talented. Every month Pastor Kristin convenes, via Zoom, a meeting for Pastors serving Congregations in Transition at which she is made aware of how things are going at our ministry sites. St. Luke’s mission of outreach, fellowship, learning, stewardship and worship is doing well. A person in Colorado, watched the telecast of our MLK service, and said she was deeply moved.
We will have the Installation of Council Members on January 29th, and a Reception of New Members in February. Lent begins February 22nd with the Ash Wednesday Service at 6:30 PM. To help us as we journey from ashes to alleluias, we will be offering an online Five-part video Lenten Bible Study on the Psalms. I am appreciative of how members are collecting a monetary offering to help the Fiedler's, whose house recently burned down. Keep them in your prayers.
Plan on coming this Sunday to hear Pastor Kristin, and for her to have the opportunity to hear from you.
Interim Pastor Dave Patterson
December 12, 2022
Advent Greeting to God’s faithful people at St. Luke Lutheran Church in Sheboygan Falls
During these final two weeks before Christmas, I am sure you are busy making plans for family gettogethers; buying and wrapping gifts; getting Christmas Cards mailed; planning what Christmas worship services to attend in celebration of the Nativity of our Lord; perhaps praying about who you can invite to our upcoming Christmas programs and services; and contemplating what year-end gift you can joyfully give in celebration that the Word became flesh. As busy as we are, I tried to imagine what the final two weeks before the first Christmas were like as the people awaited the coming of the prophesied Messiah.
I hope we will see you at the Children’s Christmas Pageant next Sunday, December 18th at 9:30 AM. Games and fellowship will follow the service. Christmas Eve worship with the reading of the Christmas Story, congregational and special music, Holy Communion, candlelight, and a gift for those in attendance is on Saturday, Christmas Eve at 4:00 PM. Christmas Day Sunday Worship at 9:30 AM, will likewise celebrate the Nativity of our Lord with the reading of the Christmas Story and Yuletide music led by Interim Pastor Dave. To bring in the New Year we will have worship on Sunday, January 1st at 9:30 AM.
If you haven’t checked out the Christmas videos and Bible Studies that I created, go to the church’s website and its my hope they will add to your holiday spirit. I have also attached my family Christmas Annual Letter that we send out. Hope you enjoy reading about my family.
Like every year 2022 had its trials and blessings. Hopefully, we are a little bit wiser and stronger in character. 2023 should be an exciting year at St. Luke, which will need all the members to work together to bring the light and glory of God to the people who still walk in darkness.
A most blessed Christmas in the Newborn Savior, Interim Pastor Dave Patterson
“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, in order to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as children.” Galatians 4:4-5
November 28, 2022
Pastor Dave has graciously shared a few links to some fun and inspirational music videos on YouTube, click on the gold text to view:
Starry, Starry Holy Night - he wrote this melody years ago, the words several years and put it all together while serving at Luther Manor
Frosty Got Run Over by the Lawnmower - humorously written by Pastor Dave for his grandchildren
Paul Harvey's The Man and the Birds - Pastor Dave took Paul Harvey's sound track and added pictures while he was at Luther Manor and says "it's a great Christmas story"
August 31, 2022
Dear friends at St. Luke Lutheran Church,
As I complete my second month as serving as your Interim Pastor, I want to thank you for the privilege to work with you in the partnership of the Gospel. The congregation is blessed with a dedicated staff in Andrea and Kristin, a committed Church Council, a faithful Call Committee, and very caring and devoted volunteers and members who give their time and talents so that St. Luke provides Christian worship, teaching, service, outreach and fellowship. Thank you for your warm welcome to me, and your ministry and mission that is touching so many lives.
We have celebrated two baptisms since I have been with you, held Vacation Bible School; I have visited shut-ins, prayed, shared scripture and brought communion to them. Please let the Church Office know if you would like me to visit, and/or if you are hospitalized and desire a pastoral visit. You may also call/text me at 262-366-8040.
September is going to be busy. First, please take time to prayerfully respond to the survey that the Call Committee sent out. Your responses will be kept confidential, and will help guide the Synod as they discern who will be the next pastoral candidate for the Call Committee to interview, and if deemed to be a good match for the pastoral needs and opportunities at St. Luke and within the surrounding area, will be placed by the Church Council before the congregational members who will vote whether or not to extend the Letter of Call. Please keep the Call Committee, Church Council, Synod and Pastoral Candidates who may be looking for a new Call in your prayers. Be patient with the process. God’s time table is not always accomplished as quickly as we would like.
Second, on Sunday, September 11th, we will begin Sunday School for children four years old thru 6th Grade, and Confirmation Instruction for Seventh Graders on up. The classes will be offered on Sundays from 8:30 AM to 9:15. Thank you to the members who will be leading these programs so that the little ones can grow in faith, grace and wisdom. Again, pray for the Sunday School and Confirmation students, parents and leaders. Newcomers are always welcomed!
Third, on Sunday, September 18th during worship we will give thanks for God’s gracious goodness which has blessed St. Luke with 160 years of faithful ministry. A meal, raffle and fun activities are planned following worship. We hope we will see you there.
Finally, the Quilters will have their beautiful quilts on display during a Sunday in September as they then donate them to Lutheran World Relief to help the poor and less fortunate in the name of Christ.
Again, thank you for the privilege to serve as your Interim Pastor during this exciting time of transition. If you have pastoral needs, questions, or you would like me to visit, please call the church office at 920-467-6149, or call/text my cell at 262-366-8040. God’s promise is “that all things will work together for good for those who love the Lord” (Romans 8:28).